How To Change Admin Name In WordPress

To change the admin name in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

Login to Your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress website's admin dashboard using your current admin credentials.

Create a New User: Before you change the admin name, you'll need to create a new user with the desired username. To do this, navigate to "Users" > "Add New" in the WordPress dashboard.

Fill in User Details: Fill out the required user information for the new user. Make sure to assign the role of "Administrator" to this new user. Provide a strong password for the new account or use a password generator.

Log Out: Log out of your WordPress admin account after creating the new user.

Log In with New User: Log back in using the new user account you just created.

Delete Old Admin User: After logging in with the new user, navigate to "Users" in the dashboard. Find the old admin user (the one you want to change the name of) and hover over it. Click the "Delete" option that appears.

Reassign Content: When you delete the old admin user, WordPress will ask you what you want to do with the content created by that user. You can choose to reassign the content to the new user you just created. This step is important to ensure that all content remains associated with your website.

Confirm Deletion: Confirm the deletion of the old admin user.

Update Display Name: Now that the old admin user is deleted, the new user you created is the new admin. To change the display name (the name shown publicly), go to "Users" > "Your Profile." Find the "Display name publicly as" option and choose the desired display name from the dropdown menu. Save your changes.

Test and Verify: Log out of the admin account, and then log back in to ensure that the new admin name is displayed correctly.

Remember that making changes to your WordPress site’s admin users and settings can affect the security and functionality of your website. Always make sure you have a backup of your website before making significant changes, and follow best practices for WordPress security. If you’re not comfortable performing these steps yourself, consider seeking assistance from a WordPress developer or expert.