How To Add Google Adsense Code To WordPress Blog

Adding Google AdSense code to a WordPress blog is relatively straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

Sign Up for Google AdSense:

If you haven't already, sign up for Google AdSense and get your AdSense code.

Log In to Your WordPress Dashboard:

Go to your WordPress admin dashboard by navigating to

Install a Plugin (Optional):

If you're not comfortable editing your theme's code directly, you can use a plugin to add the AdSense code to your header. One popular plugin for this purpose is "Insert Headers and Footers." To install a plugin:

a. In the WordPress dashboard, go to "Plugins" > "Add New."

b. Search for "Insert Headers and Footers."

c. Install and activate the plugin.

Add AdSense Code Using the Plugin (Optional):

If you're using the "Insert Headers and Footers" plugin:

a. After activation, go to "Settings" > "Insert Headers and Footers."

b. Paste your Google AdSense code into the "Scripts in Header" box.

c. Save your changes.

Edit Theme Header (Alternative Method):

If you prefer to add the code directly to your theme's header:

a. In the WordPress dashboard, go to "Appearance" > "Theme Editor."

b. On the right-hand side, find and click on "header.php" to edit the header file.

c. Paste your Google AdSense code just before the closing </head> tag.

d. Save your changes.

Verify Ad Display:

Visit your WordPress blog and verify that the Google AdSense ads are displaying correctly in the header section. In some cases this could take a day or two.

Monitor Performance:

Log in to your Google AdSense account to monitor the performance of the ads, track earnings, and make adjustments if needed.

Remember to adhere to Google’s AdSense policies and guidelines to ensure compliance.

Always make sure to back up your WordPress site before making any changes to the code or using plugins to modify your theme. This helps you avoid potential issues and allows you to restore your site in case anything goes wrong.


Visit Google Adsense