How To Get A Youtube Api Key

Create a new project: If you don’t have a project already, create a new one by clicking on the “Select a project” dropdown at the top left corner of the page and then clicking on the “New Project” button.

Enable the YouTube Data API: In the Google Developers Console, select your project, click on the "APIs & Services" tab in the left sidebar, and then click on the "Library" option.

Search for the YouTube Data API: In the Library page, search for "YouTube Data API" using the search bar at the top.

Enable the YouTube Data API: Click on the "YouTube Data API" search result, and on the following page, click on the "Enable" button.

Create credentials: After enabling the API, go back to the "APIs & Services" tab, and this time click on the "Credentials" option.

Create an API key: In the Credentials page, click on the "Create credentials" button, and then select "API key" from the dropdown menu.

Restrict your API key (optional): You have the option to restrict your API key to increase security. Click on the "Restrict key" button to set restrictions such as IP addresses, referrers, and API quotas if needed. This step is optional but recommended.

Copy your API key: Once you've created or restricted your API key, you will see a popup with your API key. Copy the key and keep it in a safe place.

Congratulations! You now have a YouTube API key. Remember to keep your API key confidential and never share it publicly.

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